Almost 5 Months Later…

It’s been a while. Almost 5 months.
A lot has happened, both in the world at large as well as our little world here. Obviously so much has happened with Suveera, 4 months is a massive amount of time at this age.
With the current state of the world and social media rapidly decaying I want to post here more and hopefully direct people here to keep up with me so I can get off the various hell sites, Instagram included.
BlueSky is a good enough replacement for Twitter and while I’m going to miss keeping up with some friends on Facebook I rarely check it at all anymore. Instagram is the one that’s going to be the toughest. I can post photos and updates here, but how do I let people know to check it? We shall see if there ends up being any sort of replacement that comes along.
I plan on making a few additional posts in the coming days, with updates from the past couple of months, including the holidays, updates on Suveera, and our trip to London. I’ll also post about our trip to New York we’re taking this weekend.
This isn’t the perfect way to get myself out there and keep in touch, but I can’t keep feeding the oligarchs that are dead set on destroying our country. Hopefully there will be other options soon. Until then, it’s back to the internet of the early 2000’s.