New Site, New Baby, New Everything

It's here! My new website. Built using Next.js and, hosted by Vercel. I've wanted to do a refresh for a while now and all it took was having a baby.
Oh yeah, she's here now too! Suveera turns three months old tomorrow. She's beautiful and amazing and all the other adjectives you'd expect a father to use. Watching her grow over these last months has been absolutely astounding and I'm constantly surprised with some new piece of her future self she's recently unlocked. I'm so excited to see the little person she's turning into.
She's obviously made me think a lot about planning for the future as well as documenting the past. That's part of what spurred on desire to update the website. Social media is kind of a hellscape at the moment and I don't see it getting any better but I still wanted some place that I could share photos and updates for friends and family.
I was also having trouble getting my ssl certificate renewed every year, so I wanted to move the site somewhere where I wouldn't have to worry about that.
It's been nice diving back into the code a little bit. I'm sure there are hundreds of little things I've done wrong but I already feel I've put this blog together much better than I did our wedding website back in 2022. Doing by best to follow best practices, just trying to put my best foot forward right away.
There's additional functionality I want to get built out like galleries and code blocks, but for now this will allow me to get simple updates out, just in time for our first little family vacation. Hopefully I can keep the updates coming.